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 Enrico Ragusa

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow

Theoretical Astrophysics

Università degli Studi di Milano
Dipartimento di Fisica ‘Aldo Pontremoli'



I am currently a Marie Curie Fellow at Università degli Studi di Milano in Milan.

Research interests: theoretical astrophysics, accretion discs dynamics, protoplanetary systems, black hole binaries, fluid and dust dynamics (and the numerical methods to describe them); radiative processes in astrophysical environments and radiative transfer Monte Carlo methods; celestial mechanics. 

During my career. I focused mainly on the problem of the satellite-disc interaction and its effects on the dynamics of both protoplanetary discs and black hole binary systems.


My Experience

Background & Expertise

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
Observing Binaries in Transition-Discs (ORBIT-D)


Research Associate

Teaching Assistant

Visiting Scientist

PhD Student

Sep 2023 - Present

Universià degli Studi di Milano

Milan, Italy

Sep 2021 - Sep 2023

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon,

Lyon, France

Dec 2018 - Sep 2021

University of Leicester,

Leicester, UK

Jan 2018 - Jun 2018
University of Milan,

Milan, Italy

May 2016 - Jun 2016
Institute of Astronomy,

Cambridge, UK

Oct 2015 - Dec 2018
University of Milan,

Milan, Italy



PhD Degree,

Oct 2015 -  Dec 2018

University of Milan

Field: Theoretical astrophysics
Thesis title: The evolution of binary systems in gaseous environments

M.Sc Degree,

Sep 2013 - July 2015

University of Milan

Thesis Title: "On the Mass Flow Through the Cavity of a Super Massive Black Hole Binary System"

B.Sc Degree,

2009 - 2013

University of Milan

Thesis Title: "Study of the reaction 12 C(α, γ) 16 O at energies of astrophysical interest"

Diploma Liceale
(High School)

2003 - March 2008

Liceo G. Berchet

Diploma di Liceo classico (Humanities/Classical studies).

Interests and Skills


Theoretical Astrophysics

  • General Research interests: Astrophysical fluid dynamics, satellite-disc interaction, radiation transfer, celestial mechanics.

  • Protoplanetary discs: Planet formation. Dynamics of gas+dust accretion discs. Effects of the presence of planets on the disc structure and grain growth in overdense regions. Modelling the EM appearance of protoplanetary discs. Planet migration and planet eccentricity evolution.

  • Black hole binaries: Last parsec problem and disc driven eccentricity growth before the gravitational wave inspiral. Suppression of the gas accretion by tidal torque. Formation of non-axisymmetric structures modulating EM luminosity. Circumprimary and Circumsecondary disc dynamics. Black hole spin alignment.


I have experience in high performance computing (OMP and MPI). I am an expert programmer in the following languages:

  • Fortran

  •  C++

  •  Python

  •  Bash scripting

  •  Mathematica

Glowing Keyboard

Numerical Methods for

Numerical methods for hydrodynamics (both particle based and grid-based), Monte Carlo radiative transfer techniques.

  • Phantom 

  • Fargo-3D

  • RADMC-3D



Thesis and CV

Below you will find downloadable PDF files of my thesis and CV


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